Spring Is In The Air, Is Your Dog Ready?

Spring is finally just around the corner, the winter months will soon be behind us and we will be able to enjoy the warmer weather and brighter skies that spring brings – hopefully! But are you and your dog ready for spring?
While the thought of spring may make you think of Spring Cleaning, there are other things that you need to consider; things that will get your dog ready for spring. We have listed some of the things you can do, to get your dog ready for spring, below for you;
Brush, Brush & Brush Some More
You may have already noticed extra dog hair around the house? It is this time of the year that your dog will be shedding their winter coat, for a thinner coat that is designed for the warmer months. Ideally you want to brush your dog as often as possible, this will help them shed their coat, and it will help keep your newly spring-cleaned home cleaner too.
Get Grooming
As you are brushing your dog and they are shedding their excess winter fur, you will notice that a haircut may be needed. Or that their nails have grown quite long, or that they just need a good teeth cleaning. Give your local pet groomer a call and book your dog in for a good old spring clean.
Prevent Those Pests
Fleas, worms and other pests are big fans of the spring weather so make sure you get back into the routine of regular flea tables and worm treatments to protect your dog from these horrible pests. As the weather warms up, the pests come out. The best thing you can do, just like any good boy scout, is to be prepared!
Watch For Allergies
Just like we get allergies in the warmer weather, your dog can too. Keep an eye on your dog for any signs of excessive scratching, licking or hair loss as these are classic signs of allergies. If you do spot these then we would recommend booking an appointment with the vet.
Visit The Vet
It is recommended that you visit the vet at least once a year with your dog, just for an annual health check, like you would take your car for an MOT. Spring is as good of a time as any to get that annual check done. This helps make sure that your pet is in good health, and if not what you can do to help them get in better health.
Check Your Garden
Over the colder winter months it is unlikely you will have spent a great deal of time in your garden. Before letting your dog out in the garden just check it is secure. Check that fence panels aren’t loose from storm damage, and no escape holes have appeared through the ice, rain and frost.
Take It Easy
While it may be tempting, at the first sight of spring, to go for a long hike in the woods, you may need to take it easy to begin with. A long walk in the woods could be a shock to the system for both you and your dog if you have been relatively inactive during the cold winter months. Take your time and don’t push yourselves, and you’ll find you all have a much more enjoyable spring stroll.