Charity FUN DOG SHOW in aid of Canine Partners

Why? In support of Canine Partners.
When? Sunday 16th September 2018
Time? General Entry 12 – 4pm, Judging starts at 12:30pm
Where? Oakington Dog Day Care Centre, Dry Drayton Road, Oakington, Cambs, CB24 3BD
Price? General Entry: FREE. Competition Entry: £2 per Class
Come along to our Dog Show and have a lot of fun with your dog, your family and friends. Bring a chair, find a nice spot by the side of the ring and enjoy the afternoon.
Entry into our fun classes is £2 per class. All proceeds go to Canine Partners.
We have raised over £1,200 over the last 2 years and we are hoping that we can do well again this year with everyone’s support.
Free entry, free programme and a complimentary poo bag
There is free parking, toilet facilities
We hope to have a BBQ and refreshments,
We will have a Fastest Scurry competition, a fun obedience test

Entry £2 per entry per class. No advance registration, pay on entry into the ring.
Best Puppy (up to 12 months old)
Golden Oldie (over 7 years old)
Best Pedigree
Best Crossbreed
Waggiest Tail
Most Appealing Eyes
Madges’s Memorial Class
Prettiest Bitch
Handsomest Dog
Best rescue
Best condition
Dog our Judge would most like to take home
All 1st place dogs go forward to Best in Show
We are looking for stallholders to join us on the day.
Charity stalls are very welcome to join us free of charge.
Craft stalls there is a £10 charge which goes directly to Canine Partners.
Trade stalls are welcome please contact us for further details.
Tel: 07704 729299 Email:
Come and join in the fun and you may go home with a lovely rosette.

Our Chosen Charity
We chose Canine Partners charity for our first dog show because we wanted to support a charity that had a local connection to someone we knew. Canine Partners came to our show with lots of volunteers and dogs in training. We were thrilled and touched by how they supported our efforts.
We were invited to a Talk and Demonstration last year to learn more about the work that Canine Partners do. We enjoyed a demonstration by some of the dogs to see some of the amazing everyday tasks they can do. Then one lady sat in front of the gathered audience and spoke about the difference that a Canine Partners dog had made to her life after her legs were crushed by a car in a supermarket car park changing her life completely in just a few seconds. This lady ran her own business and had young children. A Canine partners dog gave her the ability to live her life and be independent again, it enabled her to do daily tasks and more than that it made her visible. When she was in being pushed in her wheelchair she felt invisible, but with a dog at her side she felt she had regained her identity. This lady had a profound effect on us and we committed then and there to support them again this year so that they can continue to do such valuable work.
Canine Partners receive no government funding and rely solely on donations from the public and legacies to help them continue their life-transforming work.
For more information about the work that Canine Partners do please go to
Want to know more about our fantastic Doggy Day Care Facilities?
We would love to talk to you and show you around our lovely facilities to give your dog a great day with us. We have lovely green outside space in our field and paddock. We have all sorts of toys and play equipment and most important of all our staff are simply awesome.
To see more have a look at our Facebook page to see our dogs having a great time.
Or call us to arrange a visit Tel: 07704 729299 Email:
Our Sponsors