5 Top Dog Grooming Tips

Regular dog grooming is an important and essential part of responsible dog care, if you don’t have a dog grooming routine in place at present then start with small steps, completing one dog grooming task each day as you begin to put a dog grooming routine in place; for example one day brush your beloved pooch, the next day give them a bath and the next day cut their nails.
Your dog will not be used to the grooming experience so when you start trying to get a routine into place try keeping them to short sessions and maybe a treat or two during or after the session so your dog learns that being well behaved during dog grooming is a good thing.
We have put together our 5 top dog grooming tips that we think will help;
1. Check For Fleas
While you are brushing your dogs fur look out for fleas and other bugs or tics that shouldn’t be there; you may not notice the fleas themselves but you may see what is commonly known as ‘flea dirt’ and is small black flecks.
2. Brushing Frequency
If your dog has longer hair they will need to be brushed more frequently than those dogs with a shorter coat; for example a dog with longer thicker hair may require daily brushing but shorter coats may just need a brush once a week.
3. Brushing Tools
Smooth & Short Coats – If your dog has a smooth and short coat then we recommend a rubber brush for the first groom, then a bristle brush and finally polish your dogs coat with a chamois cloth so it shines.
Short & Dense Coats – For dogs with a short and dense coat first use a slicker dog grooming brush which will help remove tangles, then a bristle brush to finish off the dog grooming session.
Long Coats – If your dog has a longer coat then use a slicker brush to help remove tangles. If your long haired dog has not been brushed for a while there may be matting, especially at the tops of their legs under their body and around their tail so brush carefully and gently. After using the slicker brush use a bristle brush to go over your dog, paying special attention to their feet and tail especially on longer coated dogs.
4. Bathing Frequency
Consider the weather and what you and your dog have been up to; if your beloved hound has been playing in the local river then you may choose to wash him after every walk but a proper dog bathing session is recommended every one to three weeks dependant on the weather and recent activities.
5. Bathing Your Dog
Start by brushing your dog because this will make the bathing process much easier and result in a less tangled coat after the bath. A top tip if you have a younger dog or puppy is to use a bath mat in the bath as this will help to stop them slipping or scratching the bathtub – a bath toy can also be an excellent distraction for younger dogs. The water should be lukewarm and only 3-4 inches deep; try and use a shower hose or plastic cup to direct the water where you want and try not to spray it directly into your dogs’ eyes, nose or ears.
Use a specialist dog shampoo and not your own shampoo because this could cause irritation to your dogs’ skin as it may not be mild enough for your pet. Make sure you rinse out the shampoo completely because if shampoo is left on the fur this will cause skin irritations, itchiness and redness for your dog.
While bathing your dog check its ears for foul odours or debris and consult a vet if you have any concerns. Then use your hairdryer on a low setting to dry off your dogs coat to help keep your home from getting wet while your dog dries off and you’ll keep your dog warm and cosy too. A good idea is to direct the hairdryer slightly away from your dog to make sure you don’t burn them.
These are some top tips to help groom your dog, but do you have any amazing dog grooming tips you would like to share with other readers of this blog?